C.A. White and Associates Home Page

Environmental Engineering and Remediation, Inc.    

EER specializes in both the water and wastewater engineering.   EER has extensive experience in due diligence investigations in the U.S.,  Europe and South America.  Staff includes civil, environmental and chemical engineers.  CAW and EER have worked together for over a decade on projects involving due diligence, petroleum remediation and water resources. 

Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.

SME specializes in solid waste management and water resources investigations. Solid waste expertise includes landfill design, construction, and closure.  Staff consists of civil engineers,  geotechnical engineers and geologists.  CAW has had a long association with SME on joint studies at hazardous waste and landfill sites, and public and private water supplies. 

Northeast Geophysical Services, Inc.

NGS conducts surface and borehole geophysical surveys throughout the Eastern U.S..  Staff geologists have worked with CAW for over two decades on various mining, water supply and contamination studies.